2025 event info coming soon!
Please contact soapbox@pumpkinfest.com with any questions.
Event information
- Junior division: ages 6-10
- Senior division: ages 11-14
Registrations will not be accepted on race day. The last day to register is Wednesday, October 16 at midnight.

Thank you to our event sponsor, Springview Farm Golf Course, and to Robert Lee for donating the straw bales.
Soapbox Derby rules
Print the rules, format and waiver (PDF)
General Rules
- Pumpkinfest Soapbox Derby is a rain-or-shine event
- Open to ages 6 to 14. The junior division is from 6 to 10 years of age and the Senior division is from 11 to 14 years of age.
- Soap box cars are to be made by the racer, with assistance from a parent – not the other way around.
- Pre-registration is required, new registrations will not be accepted on race day.
Soap box cars are to be made to the following specifications:
- Wheels cannot have bearings and can be no longer than 13” in diameter
- Cars can have a maximum length of 4 feet (Junior division) or 5 feet (Senior division).
- Cars can be a maximum of 3.5 feet in width
- Cars must be equipped with a functioning brake – hand or foot-controlled. Car operator cannot use their own foot on the pavement to stop their car.
- Cars must be constructed mainly of wood – the use of steel is limited to mechanical controls only. Racers will not qualify if cars are steel/aluminum/metal, etc.
- A helmet is mandatory. (Bicycle, motocross, or hockey) Gloves and suits are optional.
- Racers will be assigned race numbers on the day of the race – no exceptions. Race number will be affixed to the car and driver on race day.
- Cars will be inspected at the time of registration and racers will be disqualified if the above specifications are not followed.
- Racers must know how to use brakes. Brakes must be able to stop the car if needed, especially when over the finish line. Any unsafe cars will be disqualified.
- Decisions of officials are FINAL.
Race format
- All racers must be registered and ready to race by 10:45 am
- Each racer per division will be called to the starting line to race a minimum of 3 heats. Heats will be raced alternately. All Juniors to race first heat followed by all Seniors in the first heat, then Juniors’ second heat, Senior’s second heat, and so on, until all races have completed 3 heats.
- Each heat will be timed with the time for each car recorded. If the racer crashes or wipes out, the racer must push the car over the finish line under his/her own power to stop the clock. Failure to complete 3 heats will disqualify you from the final.
- After each heat, the competing racers are to move their cars to the outside edge of the roadway at the end of the tracks and walk back up the hill on the outside of the track. Racers cannot bring their cars up the racetrack. Failure to comply will result in disqualification. Any repairs or modifications can be made at the end of the track if desired, or at the top of the hill while the other division is racing.
- Upon completion of the three heats, all times will be tallied. The third fastest accumulated time will be declared the third-place winner. The first and second fastest accumulated times over the three heats will race one final heat, the first car over the finish line declared the first-place winner, and the other declared the second-place winner.
- The driver with the fastest declared heat time will be offered lane preference for the final heat.
- Prizes will be awarded to first place, second place, and third place in each division, as well as first ‘best decorated’ and second ‘best decorated’ for both divisions combined.
Please bring the completed waiver form (PDF), signed, to the race at St. James Street South.